
2019 evening rides

Page history last edited by Jim Cameron 4 years, 10 months ago

Jim's Evening Rides 2019 


The rides are complete for 2019. We'll start again on Jan 10th 2020 to view a Lunar Eclipse.  Daylight rides will resume on Thursday April 23rd 2020.



Meetup 6:30pm outside the Apothecary pub at Lister Square

8 Lister Square, Simpson Loan, Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH3 9GL.     The old Simpsons unit. Behind what we used to call Peter's Yard, between Lauriston Place and the Meadows.

We might also be in the Söderberg Pavilion bakery opposite the pub.  





This rides are mostly 20 miles, in one stretch with few breaks, and the pace is around 12mph. They end around 9pm and most commonly they may end in a pub.   Bring lights!




Daylight rides completed


Date Leader Sunset Description of ride Report Links 
Thu 12Sep Deke
19:39 Twilight ends 20:16, so this will be a 15-miler and a bit dark for the last 15 mins. Full Moon.  A Foursome Fourgathered to Fourclose on the year's evening rides.  Deke took us on a nice brisk spin to Mus. and Dalkeith. Very nice weather, clear skies and sun (before it set). But where was everyone?


Thu 05Sep Jim 19:57 Twilight until 20:36, so a 15 mile right could be done in light, or a 20-miler will be dark at the last 25 mins. Half moon.  8. Dry, weak sun but lots of cloud. Dark early, got lighter as the ride went on!  We rode zigzags, via Crammond Tower to carammond , sped along the prom to Granton and picked up the new path to near Old chain Pier. Back on the paths, circled Victoria Park, then home via Trinity Path and zigzags. Fountain bar! 



Thu 29Aug Graham

some ups and downs in west Edinburgh.

Twilight starts 20:15 and ends 20:55, so we'll get to do the whole ride in light.   

9: The final meteorological summer ride of Jim's Thursday evening rides saw nine riders rock up on a calm, dry evening. Being late summer, the leader decided to put the summer fitness of the group through its paces. So, after a gentle meander through Cammo Estate and East Craigs, we decided to scale the intimidating north face of Drumbrae Road. Not content with that, another of Edinburgh's steepest slopes, Kaimes Road, beckoned - but this time we would negotiate it with the assistance of gravity. As we sped down it, the smell of burning rubber permeated the air as the brakes performed their function admirably, particularly towards the foot of the hill. Excitement over, it was then a leisurely pedal through Pinkhill and up to McCowans, at Fountain Park, for a post ride refreshment.



Thu 22Aug Leah 
Port Seton
8 staunch and determined worthies braved a sudden cloudy evening, wind and even some light rain to do a road-out,  peebbly -path back ride in East Lothian. Bennet's Bar much appreciated!


Thu 15Aug Jim C
Portobello and Dalkieth
11 lads and lassies enjoyed some fresh, and slightly cool, sunshine, and we passed along Porty prom and up Whitecraig and Dalkieth Country park. After a brief delay we whizzed back via the Eskbank roundabout and Gilmerton Road. 



Thu 08Aug Derek
Morningside - Colinton - Blinkbonny - Heriot Watt - Gogarburn - Cramond Brig - The Fountain
Avoided the worst of the weather - one notable puncture - and a  reprise of Bill's ride on Cammo Walk. https://www.strava.com/activities/2603916582
Thu 01Aug Jim
Postponed 4 parks - Lochend, Figgate, Craigmillar Castle and Drum. 20 riders - a record this year! Nice weather, clouding over and cooling during the ride.  It was actually 6 parks if you include Little France park, and the Innocent itself. 


Thu 25Jul Jim
 The ride was cancelled because of forecast lightning from 20:00 to 01:00.

But I might have known it, Four turned up anyway and Graham lead them out to Duddingston, Niddrie, Greendykes, Little France, Liberton Golf Course, Braid Hill, Braidburn Valley Park, Astley Ainslie and Bruntsfiel Links. Lightning never materialised, only the distant sound of thunder up on Braids and only a few (very few) spots of rain.    (Your scribe sat safely at home watching  www.lightningmaps.org so I can tell y'all that what they heard was strikes on Penicuick, Dalkeith, and Haddington. Nicely avoided).




Thu 18Jul Alan O
Penicuik to Dalkeith  cycle way  via shawfair cycle way 14  
Thu 11Jul Peter
20-miler  To the canal, across Fountainbridge and past the old evening ride meeting spot across the bridge to Rutland square, across Shandwick and on to Dean Village. Along the Water of Leith to Henderson Row and to the Warriston Path and on to Leith. From there west on the coast turning off the waterfront up past the gas storage to join the Roseburn at Red Bridge and home by zig zags and canal to Meadows (or a suitable chosen pub) 13 riders, and a nice intermittent sunny evening - no sign of the forecast thunder.


Thu 04Jul  Mike
A gentle meander around the by-ways of Hermiston, Currie and Blinkbonny. About 20 miles, with a couple of interesting hills but nothing too scary. 12 riders. A nice fast ride and a good test of your gravel bike on the paths towards J K Rowling's Horse Carousel. 



Thu 27Jun  Bill

Broadly heading out West on a loop, roughly Murrayfield, Gylepark Barnton, Cramond Foreshore, Fountain pub.

The route has a couple of variations depending on muddy tracks and wind direction.

12 riders - key feature is  1.5 miles of unknown 'footpath' (based on its width) through undergrowth at the side of the Almond, from Turnhouse to Grotto Bridge.  Tried walking but realised it was too long and rode.



Thu 20Jun  Yvonne
Solstice Ride  Zigzags, Granton, Cramond. through Dalmeny Estate then passing Craigie Farm and on route to D Mains and along Silverknowes cycle path home. Around 24 miles. A nice ride and 10 riders.



Thu 13Jun  Graham
NCN 1 to Granton, Cramond, Barnton, Cammo, East Craigs, Corstorphine Hill, Blackhall and back up NCN 1 to The Fountain for post ride refreshments, if anyone's up for that. Approximately 20 miles.
14 riders, and a sudden improvement in the weather!



Thu 06Jun  Dawn 21:52
Dalmenny estate area. Mountain & hybrid bikes will be ideal; doable on a road bike.
13 Sun worshippers tempted out by a very nice evening (first in ages) we headed straight into Dalmeny estate, emerging after some gravellation into Hawes Rd near Queensferry, where we turned uphill and back into the estate to whizz down the rollers and out again at Crammond Brig. Standard golf course climb and ending at the Fountain.



Thu 30May  Derek
Colinton, Pentlands & Water of Leith, doable on any bike.

3 hardcases!  non-light rain and much colder than the forecast 15degC. Ride curtailed.  

Lots of rain - but obviously liquid sunshine for two bathers we saw on Portobello beach!



Thu 23May  Bill
Hopefully dry so West to Norton House, Ratho Norton Quarry,back via Sighthill tramway.  17 riders! and great to see so many of the usual suspects returning.  Cool, and a strong wind, Bill took us up to Norton house, then a climb inside the estate, then a descent through woods and farmland. Back to Roseburn on WOL and into the Fountain.  Cheers everyone!



Thu 16May  Jim



7 riders, on a sunny evening after a heatwave! Where was everyone? Anway, a nice if cool spin to Roslyn, via Hyvots and Moredun outbound, and the new Shawfair path back, and the even newer junction in order to traverse the Drum Eastwards. 20 miles, ending at Cloisters.



Thu 09May  Graham
15 riders were rewarded by cool sunshine which shone through a miraculous hole in the clouds the whole ride. Lots of paths and meanders. 23 miles.



Thu 02May  Jenny
20:53 ( dark well before this owing to weather)
Water of Leith and woods and H.Watt college. about 15 miles 10 bold cyclists inaurgurated the 2019 rides by covering 16.1 miles, some of them muddy, on a cold wet evening.  






Looking for the rides we did in previous years? they're here:-

Ride History 2017  
2018 2018 Evening Rides  


(The Moonlit Winter rides we did from Sep 2018 to Mar 2019, are in 2018 Evening Rides




Thu 04Apr
Thu 11Apr
Thu 18Apr
Thu 25Apr
Thu 02May
Thu 09May
Thu 16May
Thu 23May
Thu 30May
Thu 06Jun
Thu 13Jun
Thu 20Jun
Thu 27Jun
Thu 04Jul
Thu 11Jul
Thu 18Jul
Thu 25Jul
Thu 01Aug
Thu 08Aug
Thu 15Aug
Thu 22Aug
Thu 29Aug

roxburgh kenneth <y.roxburgh@blueyonder.co.uk>,

Alan Stalker <ads@businesslaw.co.uk>,

Sara Beevers <sara.beevers007@btinternet.com>,
Julia Richardson <jrichard@staffmail.ed.ac.uk>,
"Mike Lewis (Cycling Edinburgh)" <mike@cycling-edinburgh.org.uk>,
David Gilchrist <gilchdj@gmail.com>,
Verity Leigh <veritycleigh@yahoo.co.uk>,
Michael Law <michaellaw05@gmail.com>,
"fihopkinson5@gmail.com" <fihopkinson5@gmail.com>,
Yasmeen Akhtar <yasmeen.akhtar@dlapiper.com>,
"gifford.norman3@gmail.com" <gifford.norman3@gmail.com>,
"edin.ti.fly@gmail.com" <edin.ti.fly@gmail.com>,

Graham Russell <grayrussell55@gmail.com>,
Graeme Smith <graemeuk@gmail.com>,

Alan Hunter <hunter.grove@talktalk.net>,
Iona Macleod <ionicwoman69@gmail.com>,
Barbara Darcy <b.darcy20@gmail.com>
Seria <seriahogg359@yahoo.com>,
Anna Paton <akpaton@tiscali.co.uk>
Optional Moonlight ride

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